Pilates is similar to yoga but emphasizes your body’s core (including the abdomen, obliques, lower back, inner and outer thigh, and glutes).
Because it primarily targets your core, Pilates exercise gives you just what your body needs — strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, coordination, balance, and good posture — with a much lower chance of injury than with many other forms of exercise!
This discipline emphasizes correct form over simply going for “the burn.” With so many exercise variations and progressions, you may have a difficult time getting bored with Pilates! Pilates moves require you to engage virtually your whole body.
At times, you may try to strengthen one muscle while stretching another. These moves require a great deal of concentration; therefore you can’t simply go through the motions like you can on most gym equipment.
And then: for every move you think you’ve mastered, Pilates has another version that will be a bit different and a bit more challenging.
OC Body Solutions
31103 Rancho Viejo Rd.
Suite D4
San Juan Capistran CA
About Pilates
Pilates Rates:
Introductory Special!
2 Private sessions $99
(new clients only, expire 2 weeks from purchase date)
Private Sessions
Single session $75
5 sessions $350
10 sessions $650
Semi-private Sessions (2-3 clients)
Single Session $50
5 sessions $225
10 sessions $400
Semi-private Classes (4 clients)
Single class $40
5 classes $175
10 classes $300
24 hournotice of cancellation is required on all appointments, less than will result in full charge of the session. All regular priced packages expire 1 year from purchase date. We request payments to be payed in check or cash.
*Credit cards are accepted with an additional 3% fee per package price.